7 Habits of People Who Thrive in Crisis

It’s easy to lose yourself during times of crisis. Instead, follow these habits and learn how to thrive in times of crisis.
How Badly Do You Want the Life You Dream About?

A 6-step guide for summoning the strength to make your dreams a reality
The Importance of Self-Forgiveness

Give yourself permission to not have it all together, all the time. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Your Purpose Lies at the Intersection of These 3 Things

Having a sense of purpose in your work acts a little like the energy of light. Diffused, it has minimal strength. Concentrated, as through a laser beam, it can slice through steel.
Afraid of Public Speaking? 7 Tips to Do It Well

First thing’s first: Stop making it about you.
Your Words Are Powerful: 8 Positive Speaking Habits to Build Yourself Up

The words you use hold immense power. Power to fuel your confidence and ambition and power to make you feel anxious and inadequate.
I Spent Years Trying to Get My First Book Published—This Is What I’ve Learned About Risking Rejection

Rejection can be very painful and feel intensely personal. But although it’s hard not to feel its sting, it’s vital not to let your fear of it keep you from taking chances.
5 Strategies for Working Through Difficult Emotions

How are you, really? Sometimes allowing yourself to feel bad can be the best thing you can do for yourself.
Ask Yourself These 10 Questions to Help You Find Your Purpose in This Pandemic

Examine your life more holistically, confront the stories you’ve spun more honestly and reimagine your future more bravely.
Finding Courage Amid Uncertainty

We must embrace the discomfort of this moment and lean into the truth that the only way out is through.
The Life-Changing Power of Trusting Yourself

How building self-trust can change your life—plus, 12 principles for trusting yourself more, doubting yourself less, and owning your power.
Women: Doubt Yourself Less, Believe in Yourself More

Your doubts will keep you from ever discovering just how capable, deserving and talented you truly are.