Are You Holding Onto Relationships That Are Holding You Back?

Don’t underestimate the impact of the company you keep.
Is the Fear of Failure Holding You Back? The Solution Is Learning to Fail Better

Margie Warrell believes that failure is inevitable, but we have to be careful to not make failure mean something that it doesn’t mean.
How Practicing the Power of Gratitude Changes Everything

The power of gratitude extends far beyond being thankful for the good times. Read more to learn how practicing gratitude can help you find joy every day.
Mindfulness: Are You Paying Attention?

Unlike our ancestors who sat around a campfire at night gazing into a flame while connecting with each other, many people hardly sit still long enough to stare at anything anymore—except their screens.
Mental Illness: Let’s Extend Compassion and Remove the Stigma

There are many ways we can help to destigmatize mental illness and make it easier for people not to self-stigmatize themselves.
Choose Growth Over Comfort—Your Success Depends on It

Why you need to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable
7 Brave Steps to Become Fearless

It’s by acting as though you are fearless that you start to actually fear less.
A Message to Women: You’ve Got This!

No one is born with an immunity to self-doubt or fear of failure, yet as I wrote in Find Your Courage, each of us has the ability to reclaim the power
Ending a Relationship? Here Are 6 Ways to Break Up Better

Most people struggle with ending relationships, even the lousy ones. The reason is simple: Severing relational ties is hard. And it’s not hard in just
5 Steps You Can Take to Live by Design, Not Default
Do you ever find yourself just going through the motions, as though on autopilot? If so, you’re not alone. In a recent study of 3,000 people, 96 percent people
5 Steps to Set and Achieve Bold Goals

You’ve heard the saying, and it’s well known for a reason: If your goals aren’t big enough that they inspire the socks off you (even if they
Why It’s Time to Stop Making Excuses for What’s Not Working

You only get one life. Don’t squander the best years of your life on excuses that keep you living small, and settling for less than the life you are capable of