Navigating the Roller-Coaster Ride of Entrepreneurship

Amy Somerville guides you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and how to navigate the entrepreneur roller coaster. Learn more.
The Transformative Power of Tech Integration

Learn about the power of technology integration in the workplace from the CEO of SUCCESS Enterprises.
Virtual Leadership: What It Takes to Lead a Remote Company

SUCCESS Enterprises CEO Amy Somerville speaks on ways to foster company culture and a remote workers via virtual leadership.
From Our CEO: My Path to Success and Realizing My Mission

SUCCESS CEO Amy Somerville shares the ups and downs of her path to success and gives some advice on how to succeed. Learn more.
How to Give Effective Employee Feedback

Amy Somerville, CEO of SUCCESS® Enterprises, shares how to give meaningful and effective employee feedback.
The Importance of Role Models and How to Be a Good One for Others

Amy Somerville discusses the importance of role models and offers up some tips on how you can model good qualities for those around you.
From Our CEO: How Our Relationship With Money Is Influenced by Our Past

SUCCESS CEO Amy Somerville reflects on how our relationship with money is impacted by our parents’ or guardians’ attitudes toward finances.
What It Means to Be Busy vs. Productive

Let’s explore what it means to be busy vs. productive and how to shift from being in constant motion to progressing toward your goals.
From Our CEO: 3 Professional Development Lessons From a Lifelong Journey

Amy Somerville, the CEO of SUCCESS Enterprises, shares her top 3 professional development lessons. Learn more in our latest.
Harnessing the Power of Momentum to Achieve Your Goals

The power of momentum can’t be understated. Let’s take a closer look at exactly how you can start building momentum in your personal and professional lives.
The Importance of Patience in Personal and Professional Growth

The importance of patience is often overlooked when it comes to personal and professional development, but it’s critically important. Learn more in our latest.
From Our CEO: Inspiring a New Generation of Female Leaders

Amy Somerville, CEO of SUCCESS Enterprises, reflects on her journey as a woman in leadership and how she’s inspiring women leaders.