Feedback: Take It or Leave It, but Don’t Defend Yourself Against It

People may give you all kinds of feedback, but it’s up to choose how you’ll act on it.
5 Tips for Successful Online Networking

Online networking has been the lifeblood of my new business development. I don’t mean seeing how many LinkedIn connections you can get. I’m talking quality over quantity.
5 Things I’ve Learned About Being a Solopreneur

There are some things about being a solopreneur that turned out to be harder than I thought, others that weren’t nearly as hard as people told me they would be, and still others that were absolute surprises and delights.
Project Killers: What Are Your Red Flags?

Throughout my 14 years at Procter & Gamble, and now as an independent consultant, I have worked in the front end of innovation, where the need to assess new ideas as efficiently as possible is paramount. Drawing from these experiences, I’ve outlined a simple yet highly effective strategy for creating what we in product development […]
Trying to Figure Out Your Customer?

You’ve probably seen #nofilter floating around on Instagram or Facebook. Translation: The hashtag means that no photographic filters or special effects have been applied to enhance or alter its related picture. What you see is what you get—it’s an authentic representation. As marketers or researchers, our job is to discover consumer truths. We accomplish this […]