Work Sabbaticals: The Latest Nonprofit Retention Strategy

Recently, The Great Resignation has led more nonprofits to consider sabbaticals as a tool to recruit and retain talented staff.
Marceline White is an award-winning consumer advocate, writer, and poet living in Baltimore, Maryland. She has advocated, organized, researched, written on and won campaigns on fair trade, gender and trade, economic rights and consumer protection over the last 20 years. Her research and policy analysis have appeared in Oxfam Development Journal, Foreign Policy in Focus, USAID, and the United Nations Development Programme. She is a contributing author to Trading Women’s Health and Rights? Trade Liberalization and Reproductive Health in Developing Economies (2006) and Global Issues Women and Justice (2004).
Essays, op-eds, and other writing have appeared in Woman’s Day, Baltimore Fishbowl, Baltimore Sun, and Mother Jones.
Recently, The Great Resignation has led more nonprofits to consider sabbaticals as a tool to recruit and retain talented staff.